Dear Ones,
The inner journey is essential for the creative process - of any expression.
Certainly that is true for me.
How can an individual caught up - now, or formerly - in the outer world, dive into the inner world? What IF a person isn’t just automatically in life as usual, swimming in the deep waters of the inner sanctum??
Ha ha - well for that we have “DIVING BOARDS”. There are countless ways true and perhaps false to dive into the deep creative waters.
Walking a labyrinth. Highly recommended. Juggling - also highly recommended. What is interesting is that those two activities integrate the right and left hemisphere of the brain. They “talk to each other” they form a pas de deux.
In meditating, the doors to higher states of consciousness can be opened.
If you are already a creative - actively creating - and find yourself sputtering and need of a recharge - juggle, walk a labyrinth. I’ve been teaching juggling and juggling myself for years. It’s a good mood boost - it is clinically used to fight depression. And I’ve noticed that not just for me - but for my students - the results are REAL. Increased energy, joy, and creativity.
Getting the dots in the brain to connect.
Experiencing a richer, fully integrated life.
Walking the labyrinth, is powerful on many levels. In silence, in prayer, in contemplation. There are SO many ways to approach the labyrinth and many motivations to approach it. YOU DO NOT NEED AN AGENDA. It’s enough to simply know you ARE a part of creation. You are ALWAYS creating. Even if you are shut off to how you influence the world (seen and unseen) and how it is influencing you - you are always under some influence and all in your world is under your influence.
Nice to wake up to that.
As a composer - ONE - way is to put a project in the forefront of my mind. As I walk the labyrinth a flood gate of patterns and ideas can be “downloaded”. For me - this is sacred. Not to be confused with an agenda - motivation is I feel important.
There is a mystery to the labyrinth. Ironically, to follow the path, doors open in the mind, the heart, it is a consciousness opening experience. MIND AND HEART blended is what I consider consciousness raising. Both are balanced and interwoven. It’s not just for new ideas - but a refreshed heart in the mind/heart relationship.
Yesterday, I returned again to the labyrinth for sustenance regarding the fantasia project and the V Quintets Ballet.
There is a deep power in silent meditations, chant and spoken meditations, movement meditations.
My definition of a meditation is an activity in which altered states of consciousness for a more integrated state of being is achieved.
Playing an instrument solo and or in ensemble is another. In fact, I believe that humans NEED, dramatically NEED to regularly experience altered states, heightened states, integrated states of consciousness for individual and social well being.
When altered states of consciousness are achieved in a way that deepens COMMUNION then the effects are uplifting, longer lasting and positive in an heightened form of INTEGRITY as in integrating.
I encourage people that do meditate, that do dive into the waters of altered states of consciousness (dreaming for example) to do something creative with the experience to deepen the art of meditating. It takes the sacred experience of communion with altered states of consciousness and brings it into the denser realms. A crude translation - yes - but it also refines us all, in this interwoven landscape.
Best wishes for peace, harmony and beauty.
Let the light within shine on. Polish the mirror with meditating with integrity.
OH - before creating after meditating - I encourage time to just BE with the state you’re in - taste it fully. Let yourself marinate before beginning to physically bring the download into the physical world.
where you are in your heart and when ready reveal that outwardly with a new creation or by recreating an old creation - like a perennial!