Dear Ones,
Where ever you are there is love. I personally believe that. Although, as a student and teacher, I realize that I don’t know what I don’t know, I am sharing my beliefs with you for your A) consideration B) awareness so at least you know where I am coming from as the composer of these works …. a fellow creative swimmer in this mysterious universe … multiverse universe!
I believe that all of creation, of which we are a part, is the expression of love eternal, because I believe in eternal love - inspiration beyond linear time - which is the center of ALL. Holy spirit, great spirit, eternal beloved, many names.
I’ve been hearing music inside from “beyond”. What is this inspiration? Where do these sounds come from? I hear music in my dreams, for real while sleeping sometimes, sometimes while awake, in addition to what I seem to imagine or conjure. And what about those things I imagine or invent - where do they come from? Does a flower create its petal of the one who created the flower?
Hmmmm? I can reflect and ponder and question. I don’t have answers and I’m OK with that as long as I feel love and gratitude I guess.
Faith - is a weird thing. With faith and trust, I learned how to FLOAT in water. A belief that water could hold me up, allowed me to relax and allow water to hold me so that I can float. Furthermore, faith in love eternal also allows/inspires/assists in my confidence for me to continue to hear music from what I personally believe to be a divine source - very much like having faith in the ability of water to hold me, to allow me to float. If I am afraid, I cannot float in water…. I can TREAD water - but that isn’t floating. Without faith without a FEELING/SENSING or communing with a transcendent energy, I can intellectually throw notes down on the page - but that isn’t like composing as I prefer to compose. I suppose in some ways, faith is courage building, while building the muscle of being in a state of transcendent relationship.
Without faith I can swim a stroke - but with also having faith within swimming - I can flow gracefully though out the water.
I may not advocate or subscribe to a specific religion - to me - each religion is like a scale of notes with patterns for rhythm, or like mirrors of human consciousness. That is fine, but there are notes beyond our hearing and too many patterns to ignore, within just one religion. Perhaps music is my religion in that it is like a bridge to eternity for me (a pas de deux) - a way in which I am a devotee of this incomprehensible mystery. Then of course “there are a hundred ways to kiss the ground” as the ancient Persian poet RUMI said. Ahhh Rumi.
I believe that the ultimate purpose of art (and we are all part of creation) is the expression of eternal love, and that the ultimate purpose of humanity is to increase love consciousness.
I believe joy is the result of being conscious of love eternal, and appreciation love eternal while relishing life.
I believe that sorrow and suffering is the result of failure to appreciate, commune with and be conscious of love eternal - the absence or lack of love eternal.
Love, harmony and beauty.
I believe that to love another, to love life, is to respect it, to allow it to be as it needs to be by its nature. When as a human being, I judge harshly and with forgetting that I don’t know what I don’t know, and my belief that no one is omniscient and therefor not fit to judge, my thoughts and subsequent actions may eclipse my ability to love. Those subsequent actions can cause suffering - which I do NOT want to cause - and all suffering contains within it, a lesson or opportunity, to learn from the pain, where the wall eclipsing love is - where the river of love was damned. I do hope that individually and collectively, we do more to remove the stones in the river damn, than to build to damn higher. From my point of view, that’s the work. Ironically, it isn’t so much WHAT a person does, but WHY in the creating or removing of these river stones stacked - in an eclipsing way - that determines the integrity of the individual.
To me, joy doesn’t only mean a shallow kind of happiness or pleasure - it relishes all the colors, flavors, seasons - not just the pleasant weather on a glorious summer solstice sun rise - like when this photo was taken! But let’s admit - it’s a lot easier! Joy is accepting with gratitude, the ability to love deeper, higher and for real.
It’s easier to love a person who is beautiful, kind and considerate. The real work is to love all people, to recognize we are all the expression of love eternal - how ever much we resonate, recognize or forget that.
I really believe that the more we commune and recognize this love, the deeper in the ocean of joy, we can swim.
To the mystery!
Best wishes to everyone.
I hope that just like tasting the emotions, patterns, sounds and artistry of what I create helps me evolve - I hope in some way what I create and share can be of value and assistance to all who engage in what I create.
Solstice Sunrise
Chez Oboe Brilliance 2020